September 25, 2009

Forgotten Finds #15 GBA SP NES Edition

So here is finally a new forgotten finds! It has been months since the last one and finally decided to post a new entry. The main point of Forgotten Finds is to show finds from the past that came prior to the birth of this blog. This is a way I can show you some neat finds from wayyyyy before the blog came along.

This time around is the GBA SP NES edition. I remember looking at one of these at gamestop and wished I had one in my hands. Well some years later the NDS was out and the SP prices lowered so I decided to search ebay and found one that was going for a pretty good price. I remember paying around fifty dollars for this one so I was glad to finally have it. I don't use it that much since I like to show it to friends instead of playing with it. Overall, it's a great addition to anyone's collection specially NES collectors. I would recommend it as well as the Famicom 20th anniversary Gameboy Micro which I have as well. I'll probably make an entry of that one in the future. I just wished I bought the NES edition one complete with box....

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