December 14, 2008
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» Forgotten Finds #7
Forgotten Finds #7
Here is one of the more interesting multi carts for the Famicom. This cart contains the following games: Pokemon Green, Spartan X2, Chip n Dale 2, and Recca! Yeah this cart has a copy of the exclusive Summer Carnival 92 Recca! It's an amazing game like no other. Not only it's rare to find this in cart but it's also a very good game that takes the NES capabilities to its limits. This game for those of you who have no idea what it is, is a shooter that goes at massive speeds both in gameplay and space. This cart is truly a great addition to my collection. Well the other games are very unique as well like Pokemon Green which is a hack of a Hello Kitty game. In the Pokemon game you play as Clefable and you have to I guess kill forrest monsters and reach the boss fights. Clefable is green for some reason so that gave it away since in the original game you have to play as the frog. The other game is Spartan X2 which is an awesome side scroller. For those of you this is the sequel that never made it to the US shores of the game Kung Fu. Spartan X2 plays like Kung Fu but with improved graphics and better gameplay. It only has four stages but each of them are very challenging unless you play on easy that is. The last game is Chip n Dale 2 which was released in the US. It's a game that you can have a lot of a fun with a friend so it's all good stuff in this cart. Well that's about it for now, gotta get some rest so until next time.

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