December 31, 2008

Finds 018: My Final Finds of The Year 2008

So we have come to the end of another year and for me it was a great one with lots of great finds and umm I also graduated from college haha! Anyways, here you go my final finds of the year....oh yeah two of the Famicom carts I already showed but I think they deserve another shot.

Here are the latest Famicom carts I got. Two of them came in two encounters at the flea market while the other one was sent to me from Canada by a seller who didn't sent me the cart I bought in the first place so I got this one for free. I though it would be TMNT 2 but it ended up turning into TMNT 3.....I like TMNT 2 better if you haven't noticed.

I went to the thrift store yesterday but a little too late to find anything good. I did found a ps1 game for 95 cents which is Rayman 2. I also found a gameboy color codebook for 95 cents as well and finally a PC CD game with lots of shareware. I can probably mess around with it in my old packard bell.

I also found a Genesis model 2 in the thrift store for 9.99 + tax of course. The only reason I got it was because I saw it had a set of wireless controllers. I tried them out and they work perfectly. It's amazing sega made these since stuff like this was so ahead of its time. You see consoles right now come with only wireless controllers so if had a genesis with wireless controllers you were probably a sega god hahahha.

So that's about it I hope you all had a great time checking out my blog. Happy New Year!

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