December 19, 2008

Finds 014: New Finds for Multiple Consoles

Here are a bunch of little finds I got yesterday at the local thrift store. All of this for ten bucks is not bad at all! There were great deals in the end especially with the Castlevania Bloodlines and well the SNES. I tested everything and they all work correctly so it's time to see which I'm missing in my collection and which are going to be sold for some extra cash. That's about it for now....until next time!

The whole finds right here! SNES and Genesis games as well as some NES carts!
Here is a close up of the Genesis Games! Sweet memories of Mortal Kombat 1 & 2. Also Altered Beast is a kick ass game! Yes that's a Barbie game but I'm only keeping it for collecting purposes awaaaaaaaa!

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