December 29, 2008

Finds 016: Flea Market Finds Including FF7

Here are some kewl new finds. I got all of this for 20 bucks! It's was a great day for especially for FF7 black label which I got for only two bucks! Anyways, enjoy the photos woooohoooooo!

Here is a Power Joy with a Power Joy cart! Pretty kewl clone you know I was also able to test it out and it works great. Anyways, here are also some other games including Donkey Kong and Baseball stars for the NES. One last thing is the Gameshark for the gameboy color.

Here are some SMS games and the Game Gear I got with Streets of Rage 2 and Sonic Chaos. It's really kewl to play the Game Gear again.

Here are some big finds. I got FF7 for 2 dollars which is a steal! Same price for FF8 and a dollar for each of the cube games and the SOR2 genesis game.

Overall, a great day for me at the flea market. I will be mostly selling all this stuff. I think the only stuff I'm going to keep are the power joy, game gear, and game shark. Everything else will be up for sale. Cya later!

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