September 14, 2009
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» Finds 109: A little bit of everything even a lamp!
Finds 109: A little bit of everything even a lamp!
har har har so I'm back again this week and started pretty good. I went to the thrift store today and got a copy of Super Mario Bros 3 for a dollar as well as this weird gameboy game called Laura har har har.... Then I went to a pawn shop and found a sega cd game called Stellar Fire which looks kewl. Also, I went to Play n Trade and saw a bunch of Genesis games and picked out a couple that caught my eyes. The Play n Trade employee told me to pick out some more which I would get for free for buying a bunch at the same time which was fine by me. There was a little yelling going on at the store though, an angry customer came by trying to get her money back for a game she bought. She said she wanted the money back and wasn't going to buy anything at the store ever again. She really looked pissed and the Play N Trade employee was calmed and tried to do his best to keep the customer cool. At the end, she got her way and got her money back but I just don't see why do you have to make a scene especially for twenty miserable dollars. I felt bad for the Play N Trade employee and told him to forget about it and these things happen when you work in customer service....I know how people can get because I get bitchy mother fuckers all the time. Furthermore, me and the wife went to a plaza with a Best Buy, Target, and Petsmart. We got some cat food and some dog treats at Petsmart, then we went to check out the small laptops they have for around three hundred dollars and man are they light or what?? Finally, we went to target where I usually go to the clearance section and get games from. There were no games this time of my liking but there was a lamp and a official PS2 memory card with 32mb of memory! It's awesome because I can place everything I have in all my memory cards in one! It's just totally awesome!!!!!!! Well, that's about it for this day. A lot of stops and some neat items. Below are the photos....

Cool stuff dude!
wut wut!
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