July 02, 2012

Retro Game of the Week 109: Galaga (NES)

So this game in the arcade made hardcore gamers even more hardcore. The good old days of the high score are long gone but the memories will remain. It's amazing how something so simple can be so fun! Talk about a blast from the past! Here is Galaga for the NES/Famicom consoles. A game that is just a joy to play. Care to take on the challenge?

There is practically no music on the game except for the start of the game theme song and the final score theme. It doesn't matter, games back then didn't needed a soundtrack to be fun! It was all about the gameplay and how hardcore you could be in front of a crowd around you as you play the machine to death! The only soundtrack you needed was the one in your mind or maybe 80s music playing in the background. Nonetheless, this game has no sound! Except for your bullets and monsters....that's all.

The graphics are just your simplistic outer spaceship graphics. You see the stars shining and the bad guys looking like bugs! Your ship looks awesome but it would be more awesome if it could take another hit.

The gameplay is where this game wins! It gets so tough and challenging that it'll keep you wanting for more and most of all, defeat your own score, and challenge others out there to defeat you. Only the one with the top score can get top honors!! This is what this game is all about. Dodge, shoot, scream, and dodge some more. As simple as it may sound, you are going to have one hell of a time!

The game is an arcade classic. Of course, you'll be going back to it over and over. it's always good to come back to it when you have nothing else to play and practice on your outer space bug-killing skills. You can still find this gem on arcades to this day! That says a lot about replay value ^_^

Your best bet is to find this game on your virtual console or PC. You can always go retro and find it for the NES. It's a joy to play so I suggest you pick it up. You can't go wrong with a classic that's still being played to this day. Be sure to get the two fighters and destroy the competition! Thinking about it has just made me even want to play it!!! Cya later!!!


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