July 27, 2012

Pirate Game of the Week 042: 1944 (FC)

So this week we have another shooter. This game is actually 1943 but with a little kick to it. Yes, the pirates though they could make an entirely new game by editing a few things... They though wrong! This one should be called 1943 easy edition if anything. We do appreciate the lowering of difficulty but it's not enough to see it as an all new game altogether. When will pirates learn....
The game has no music but lots of sound effects from the airplanes you are fighting against. There is nothing much to say except you'll hear a lot of flying action sound effects! Die Nazi die!!

The game has the decent graphics 1943 has so there are not surprises. I'm sure most of you know that usually pirates are hacked with some sort of graphic editing but not this one. The only thing that's hacked is the title screen. That must have been quite easy too as they probably copied and pasted the four over the three. Bleh, enough of this.

Gameplay is actually quite epic as you are going against an army of Nazi plains and what not. The best part of the game is your weapon of choice. You shoot lasers! Destroying everything in your way. Now, I haven't played 1943 in a while but I'm sure the game didn't started you with the most powerful weapon in the entire game.

The game is actually fun to come back to especially with such a huge set of guns. You can destroy everything around you. Not even those big airplanes will be a challenge for you. You might as well finish the game, drink a beer, and finish the game once more!

The game itself is nothing of a big change but more of an easy version of 1943. You should definitely check it out even in emulation form. It's fun for a bit but I wouldn't recommend you going out and buy a 20 dollar cart with it. That's all for this week.


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