The patch was created between SegaSaturno and Traducciones del Tío Víctor, and the team is comprised of the following members: Ryo Suzuki, PacoChan, el_capo, Sizious, ShenDream, Ayla, Nerox92, xulikotony, Dante_DA, the whole ShenmueSubs team and IlDucci.
Among the changes, the ingame maps and Ryo’s Notebook were translated. Also, two cutscenes have been fully dubbed in Spanish (Spain) and Spanish (Latin America).
Update 1.0.1 adds some small fixes on the translation and eliminates a bug on the patching program. In order to use this patch, you will need a legal GDI backup. This patch will not accept any pirate releases in .CDI, .MDS, .NRG or other formats.
Staff note: This patch is over 30MB in size and can be downloaded here.
Here’s a couple of trailers of the project:
Nice post.The importance of a spanish translation being accurate and efficient can indeed not be overstated.I can't see machines taking over the jobs of human translators in the near future, as they have done with so many other professions.
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