May 21, 2012

Finds 413: Wicked Oddball Finds! A little bit of everything!

I went to some places, looked around, and asked around. In the end, I was able to pick up some awesome items. The photo should speak for final days of hunting in Florida may be counted but that doesn't mean they can't end on a high note! Behold, some wicked finds!

I went to the local Gamestop and picked these two games up. One is Xbox arcade for the 360 which was a recommendation from my insane crazy bastard friend while the other one is none other than Persona 3 for PSP. I got the used copy for only 17 dollars down from 39.99 new! The Xbox game was two bucks!

Here are a couple of consoles. The N64 was six bucks while the Genesis was five bucks. The only reason I got the Genesis was because it came with a controller....a weird controller!

The controller is none other than for the Sega Saturn! I also got a GB SP for 20 bucks, game enhancer which was used on the old PS1 to play import and burnt games for two bucks. Finally, I got a Gameshark for Game Boy Color for two bucks.

And these are other games I got except the DS one which is just an empty case but was kindly given to me by the worker of the thrift store. The other two games were .95 cents each.

Finally, probably the find of the day was Final Fantasy VII black label for two bucks. The other games were also two bucks each! Not bad right?

Xbox live arcade (Xbox 360)
Persona 3 (PSP)
N64 Console
Sega Genesis Console
Game Enhancer 9 (PS1)
Gameshark for Game Boy Color (GBC)
Game Boy SP black
Sega Saturn Controller
Test Drive 6 (DC)
Windows 95 Games (PC)
Sonic Rush Case Only (NDS)
Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
Metal Gear Solid (PS)
Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
Pokemon Gold n Silver Collector's Edition
Pokemon Puzzle


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