May 06, 2012

Retro Gaming News 120: Nakayoshi n' Me English Translation Released

"This is a complete translation of a cute little Famicom RPG based on Sailor Moon and other shoujo manga that were published in Nakayoshi Magazine in the early 90s (Goldfish Warning!, Pocket Park, MinMin!, Taiyou ni Smash and Kurumi and the Seven Dwarfs). If you’re looking for a hardcore, complex old-school RPG, look elsewhere. If you’re looking for a simple, light-hearted, cutesy RPG, then this may be up your alley. This game has an interesting slot-machine mechanic in its battles, and is overly simplified (there are no experience points, for example), but otherwise plays like other RPGs of the time.

Two versions of the patch exist, one with the Sailor Moon characters adopting the same names as the DiC dub of the anime that aired on Cartoon Network (Main character is named Serena, etc.), and the other with names more accurate to the original Japanese Manga (Main character is named Usagi, etc.). Both versions of the patch are included in the zip."


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