July 27, 2012

Retro Game of the Week 112: Faxanadu (NES)

Here comes one of the most interesting games released very early in the NES lifetime. Faxanadu is definitely one gem that has been forgotten by many. I think it rivals games like Metroid and Kid Icarus. The game's difficulty makes it even more desirable. In the end, RPG fans will drool over this beautiful gem. Another work of art by Hudson...man do we miss you....

So the music itself is dark at times and fun at others. It's definitely sets the mood for the game and the world you are trying to save. The sound effects are also your pure classic 8-bit awesomeness. Furthermore, The game music will never make your ears bleed...believe me.

The graphics of the game are quite good for the time. A game released in 1988 wasn't as epic looking as something from the 1990s but Hudson did a great job to bring you a world in danger to life. The monsters look epic as well and some are as memorable as Nintendo characters.

The gameplay is difficult at first but once you get the hang of it and most of all, better gear then it becomes more bearable. The game uses a level up system as well as gold and item collecting. You can be exploring areas for hours to find the desired amount of money and exp to move on to the next area. Make sure you don't cry when you die though, as you might need those tears when you see the ending....wink..

The game is your typical action RPG but it will not require another run unless you want to redo the game with all the items or a certain amount of experience. Those are just personal goals if you ask me. The game itself is dark and beautiful at the same time so coming back for it would go great in a rainy day.

The game itself is your above average game especially from Hudson. They had some gems for sure including Adventure Island and Bonk but this one will always be the more forgotten one of the bunch. I do recommend trying it out especially if you like to play something similar and even better at times version of Zelda 2 for the same console. Till next time!


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Tom Badguy said...

I actually really like this game. A classic when I was growing up.

Unknown said...

I <3 Hudson


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