April 08, 2011

Pirate Game of the Week 019: Aladdin (FC)

Aladdin was actually an official release in Europe but it never found its way to the states. I'm positive it's not even out for the Famicom because all I have ever found are pirate carts of it. So that brings me to point this game out for all of you. Yes, there is an Aladdin game for the Famicom/NES and it's not as crappy as everyone thinks. The game is actually fun but you will feel left out if you played the SNES or Genesis versions and then come down to 8-bits. There is just a lot of charm missing.

Due to the capabilities of the stronger consoles, Capcom who developed and published the SNES version was able to make the game into another Disney hit. The game was very memorable and fun as hell! Going back to the pirate, it's not as memorable but it does have its greatness in it. You can jump, hit, collect, and jump again. Once you get your parachute though you'll need to press the select button to use it. The lack of buttons in the NES controller really hit the game in the difficulty to play it. The NES port was originally released by Virgin and only in Europe so that left only the pirates to save the day! The game was ported and called lots of different names including Super Aladdin, Aladdin 2, 3, 4, and so on.

The game graphics are quite impressive and that's only because it was made from an official developer's team and not some pirate developers with very few resources... The music is so-so as there wasn't much magic as the other ports.

Your best bet is to try the rom of this one but if you really want to hunt down a copy then try the PAL release or just one of those pirate carts that pop up on the bay once in a while. You can't go wrong with some magical Disney action!


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