Another day of hunting has come to an end and I was satisfied with all these new additions. With a combination of a thrift store trip and Gamestop, I was able to drive home happy with new items at great prices. I gotta tell you, I hesitated about going game hunting but in the end decided I might as well give it a shot. I gotta say it's getting tougher and tougher to find new stuff but one has to survive somehow! Check out the rest of the pics for sure!

I picked this game up from the thrift for a mere 1.95 which was an awesome price. I definitely want to play this one out.

Here are some portable games yay! I don't remember having these in my collection so I picked them up for 1.95 each. These are always great pick ups.

I also picked up this Genesis game called Stormlord for 1.95 and the Gameboy Color which was seven dollars. I had to pick up that Gameboy color as it was in incredible shape. It looks like it was almost never played with. Gotta love minty stuff.

Finally, I stopped at Gamestop to see if there was anything worthwhile using my ten dollars off coupon from their rewards but couldn't find anything except these two titles. The problem with that is that these two combined were less than ten dollars so I decided to keep the coupon for another time. I definitely have to check out The Bouncer.
And that's that! With only two more posts for number 300, I'm not sure what I'll bring to the table to make it special. I guess I have to come up with something great once more but if there is nothing it'll have to be a flop! Until next time!

The Bouncer (PS2)
Phantom Brave (PS2)
Pink Gameboy Color
Spider Man (Game Gear)
Dynamite Headdy (Game Gear)
Crash Bandicoot Purple (GBA)
Stormlord (Genesis)
Quake 3 (PS2)

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