April 21, 2011

Retro Gaming News 023: Donner Party, Monster Party Hack Released!

Do you like Monster Party? Well, this might up your alley! Information below!

"They said a group hack could never be successful. We prove them wrong right here. Brought together by the combined efforts of at least ten deranged ROM-hackers, this hack of Monster Party sets the new standard for ROM-hacking excellence.


* Every level changed.

* Almost all graphics changed.

* All music changed, in most cases with NES versions of popular songs.

* Bat range extended.

* Mapper upgraded and ROM expanded.

* Background animation implemented.

* Its very own utility (Monster Rapist), created to aid hack development.

* Numerous gameplay changes, including but not limited to new monster/boss behavior.

* Lavishly illustrated instruction manual and original story.

* Other changes too numerous to mention here."

Source: RomHackingDotNet


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