It was a very very slow day for finds but one has to get what one can find right? Right... Well I was able to pick up a couple of things like a Nintendo Wii Classic Controller as well as a SNES game. Here is what I got..

I picked up these set of toys four for a dollar. It was a pretty good deal nonetheless as I just wanted to get the Mario and Pikachu but then had to pick those two others just to complete the dollar.

I also picked up this Nintendo Wii classic controller for five bucks. The vendor was originally asking for seven dollars but he went ahead and told me five as soon as I placed it back on the table. I wasn't sure how much these controllers are worth but I figure it was a good pick up anyways. I tested the controller and works great! Can't complain.

Finally, I picked this game up for seven dollars. I mainly picked it up because it's a game I used to play years ago and it's fun as hell. Can't get enough of making your opponent give up by crushing him. Good stuff!
So that's it, I did see a couple of things that were quite interesting like a Commodore 64 and some Nintendo 64 lots. Maybe I should have picked those up but I'm trying to be careful with my expenditures as a gruesome holiday season just ended. Until next time!

Toys (Action Figures)
Nintendo Wii Classic Controller
Saturday Night Slam Masters (SNES)
Retro Gaming Life
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