New finds! Yay! Finally! Hooray! Ok, enough celebrating....this time around I have some portable stuff to show. If you haven't noticed, yes that's Pokemon Crystal. Isn't it pretty? I always though the Silver, Gold, and Crystal carts were something special as you can tell them apart from any other game released in the handheld so they are quite easy to spot them. That's the only reason I was able to find it at the thrift store. I spotted it, asked the cashier to see it and bingo! I caught you Crystal! Sadly, the game didn't came with a big save but rather a girl trainer named Cindy at the start of her journey. I'm glad the battery still works though so it's all good besides it's not like I have the link cable and another Gameboy to transfer pokemon. The other two games are nothing amazing, Animaniacs is fun to a point although I prefer the SNES version a lot more and well the last one is just one of those kid games that sucks ass! Overall a good haul at 95 cents each. Until next time and sorry for not having many finds this month, it has been rough!

Pokem0n Crystal (GBC)
Animaniacs (GB)
Rocket Power Gettin' Air (GBC)
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