This week's pirate game is surely a treat. Super Mario World was an amazing game for the SNES and it would not take long for our wonderful pirate developers to catch on the idea. That's where Super Mario World for the Famicom comes in. This game showed us that Super Mario World on a 8-bit console was very well possible and why not, it was just an upgraded Super Mario Bros 3 but with different power ups and levels. Nevertheless, this is a pirate you don't want to miss and I'll you why.
Many of us have played pirates for a laugh or two but when you play this game you'll be begging to play some more. The controls are buggy and difficult so it'll take some time to get used to them. When you make Mario jump, he'll jump alright so the sensitivity of the jump button is something to take into account. Mario also seems to run way to fast for his own good so running would only be successful if you know there aren't any bad guys on your way. Even if you can't master the controls you can still have a blast with this pirate.
If you think about it you have to give thumbs up to the developers of this pirate as they went through the trouble of mimicking the entire game although it might not be one hundred percent the same, it was close enough to make you feel like you are playing the original Super Mario World on your 8-bit console. The music does deliver similarity to the original's but not in a good quality. If you know pirates, they usually have crappy music but it was a nice attempt to bring you the original soundtrack to the game. The game contains the boss battles you encounter in the original such as the Koopa kids. Everything you remember from the original is included in this one including the power ups although I'll leave the flying to you as it's a pain in the ass to do it successfully but everything takes some getting used to.
One of the problems with this game is not only the controllers but the lack to save your game. The game is not as long as the original but it's still long enough and depending on which version you are playing, you'll be having to play through long periods of time. Speaking of versions there were two version of this pirate. One of the is the full version that has been said only to be available in multi-carts while the short version which has around 15-20 levels is in single cart format. I'm not sure what the whole deal is but if you find the cart on a multi-cart then you are good. One way to find out if it's the full version is to test the cart prior to purchasing it(if possible) And start the game. If you see this screen that lets you pick which world you want to start on then that's the full version, otherwise if it doesn't show that then it's the short version.
So that should do it for this pirate. There is not much more to say except if you find it, you are lucky! The game ranges from 50-70 dollars depending on which version it is and it's very hard to come by. I do have the rom for you so you can try it out for yourself, until next week!
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