July 13, 2013

Finds 564 Some Awesome Findings! Duel Disk, Nintendo 64 Controllers, and Games of course! ^_^

Here is another trip to the flea market gone right. There was definitely more than I could handle as I totally ran out of money! There are lots of goodies though, a little bit of everything like usual. Check it out!

Here are a bunch of Backyard Baseball 2005 games for resell. They were amazingly cheap!

Controllers for various consoles. I'm sure you can tell for which console each one is for.
A duel disk is always a great addition.
Loose disks are always a good pick up since people tend to get rid of them for mad cheap! There are 3DO, PS1, Xbox, and Dreamcast games in here!

This was a surprise. PSvita games for five bucks each. I picked up these four to add to my collection of Vita games which was non-existent.

Here are some portable games as well as GTA collector's edition for the PS1. The Gameshark was also a nice pick up.

Golden Sun Dark Dawn (NDS)
Kirby's Dreamland 2 (GB)
Magical Quest (GBA)
Final Fantasy Adventure (GB)
Gameboy Color Gameshark (GBC)
GTA Collector's Edition (PS1)
Wario Ware (NDS)
Touch my Katamari (PSVita)
Rayman Origins (PSVita)
Lumines (PSVita)
Wipeout 2048 (PSVita)
Yu-gi-oh! Duel Disk
x2 Wii Remotes
x2 Nintendo 64 Controllers
PS2 Controller Third Party
Sega Saturn Controller
Backyard Baseball 2005 Lot (PC)
Godzilla Destroy All Monsters (Xbox)
Dungeons & Dragons Heroes (Xbox)
R-Types (PS1)
Pandemonium 2 (PS1)
Dragon's Lair (3DO)
Myst (3DO)
Gex (3DO)
Virtua Fighter 3TB (Dreamcast)
Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast)
The House of the Dead 2 (Dreamcast)


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