January 24, 2013

Retro Gaming News 176: Pokemon games you can 100% by yourself?!?

"I remember back in 1999 when I played Pokemon Red Version for the first time. I literally caught ‘em all… the right way (never did get my Mew till MUCH later). I traded for the ones I couldn’t get, because well, in 1999 EVERYONE had Pokemon and it was easy to trade for what you couldn’t get.
Well, welcome to the modern age, where we all have adult jobs and adult lives. But, we still play Pokemon because Pokemon is awesome. It becomes increasingly hard to trade for what you want, especially for the old outdated games. You need both games of a given generation and two GameBoys (of the proper generation) AND two game files! NO ONE WANTS TO DO THAT, so your forced to cheat. Cheating is dangerous to your file as it can corrupt it.
I thought I would fix that problem with this small hack. I made a hack for both the Red Version and Gold Versions. You can now catch ‘em all, all by yourself. There is no need to ever trade.
I did not have the skills to change the title screens, so I could not rename them cool names like Violet Version or Mokume Version (violet is a mix between red and blue, mokume-gane is a mix of gold and silver) Maybe one day I will get the skills and release an update for you, but for now these are fully playable games that you can complete by yourself.
Enjoy ‘em and… Gotta Catch ‘em All!"


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