January 01, 2013

Retro-bit of the day 001: Super Mario Bros European Version

So what is retro-bit of the day? It's quite simple. Every day I will attempt to post a new item of retro gaming which could be either an accessory, game, or even action figures and believe me you will see a little bit of everything! Of course, that's not all! I will post whatever info I can find of it and if not then just my opinion on it.

With that little explanation out of the way, we have today's first item which is the European version of Super Mario Bros for the NES. The game release date was May 15, 1987. As you may realize, the game was released a little later than in the USA and Japan. I guess once the NES was a hit in the US, there was reason to spread the gaming goodness to other parts of the world. As you can see, my copy is quite beat up but I'm still in love with it as they are hard to come by. That's all for today! ^_^

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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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