January 20, 2013

Finds 466: Famicom Disk System Games Galore and Some Famicom Carts as Well :p

Here we go, after a very dry month of findings I scored some disk system games! If you must know, original Disk System games are very hard to come by especially the official Nintendo brand ones like Zelda and Metroid. Well, here are all of them. I was able to pick this lot after talking to a fellow gamer through eBay from all places! I'm totally ecstatic about this find! There is everything in there even Doki Doki Panic well hidden away!  Although they might sound like new additions, I actually have most of them except the Castlevania because they are ridiculously expensive! So overall, I can better the condition of my other copies and add Castlevania 1 and 2 to my collection. I need to get my disk system out of storage! AHHH!

The lot also came with these games as freebies. You may recognize some of them as they are pretty generic and common titles. I'm sure Mario 3 is the first one you recognize from this pic. That's all for now!!

Zelda (FDS)
Zelda 2  (FDS)
Metroid  (FDS)
Kid Icarus  (FDS)
Ice Hockey (FDS)
Doki Doki Panic (FDS)
Super Mario Bros (FDS)
Super Mario Bros 2 (FDS)
Castlevania (FDS)
Castlevania 2 (FDS)
Open Golf (FDS)
Baseball (FDS)
Super Mario Bros 3 (FC)
Druaga (FC)
Yoshi's Cookie (FC)
Popeye (FC)
Clu Clu Land (FC)
Ice Climber (FC)
Loder Runner (FC)


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