June 05, 2012

Finds 419: Famicom Pirates, Boxed Famicom Games, Magical Quest 3, and Phantasy Star!

I got some packages in the mail from stuff I ordered a while ago. It's great when they all decide to come in at the same time! Anyways, here is what I got in today's mail day!

A set of nine pirate games is always welcomed to my collection. The more pirates the better. There are some labels that explain which title it is while others give no clue of what it could be. There is only one way to find out and that's by playing them! I also got Magical Quest 3 for the Super Famicom. The game was recommended by a friend of mine as it's quite good and never came out in the USA. We surely missed out on a lot, hell we still are missing a lot to this day. Last but not least, a loose copy of Phantasy Star for the Master System is finally in my possession. I have to plug in my Master System to try this classic out! At last, I have all Phantasy Stars 1-4 that is!

Finally, another package that I got with some boxed Famicom games I didn't had in my collection and believe me there are many I don't have in my collection. Not sure about the titles for most of them but I can read Buggy Popper for sure :p The one in the right looks like a Manhong game while the other two on the left are about robots!

9x pirate Famicom carts (Famicom)
Magical Quest 3 (SNES)
Phantasy Star (Master System)
4x boxed Famicom games (Famicom)


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