June 25, 2012

Pirate Game of the Week 038: NBA Jam (Famicom)

This week we have a pirate with lots of false advertising in it. Look at the cover art! It shows characters from the movie Space Jam and the title of the game is NBA Jam. If this hasn't confused you then I'm sure the game itself will confuse you altogether. It's none other than Basketball which is a five on five tough piece of crap game! Lets check it out as this game offers the dark side of pirates...

There is no music in this game hmmm unless the intro song counts but there is no in game music as far as I know. The sound effects are passable if anything....totally lame!

The pirate creators didn't even made an effort to include bugs bunny in the game. Not only that, but the game was called NBA Jam which would have been a very interesting idea in a 8-bit port attempt.

Gameplay is very painful. You can't seem to get through the other side of the court without getting the ball stolen and even then they always score. The score was 20-0 before I was able to score one basket and after that they started shooting threes just to take you out of the game completely.

This game would be painful to come back to. Not only has your spirit been destroyed by the false advertising on the label but it has also been a pain in the ass game to begin with.

There is not much to say about this game except to stay away from it. It's as painful as it sounds. Not only is there no bugs bunny but no mechanics of an NBA Jam game whatsoever. It sucks!! I didn't expected much though, it is a pirate after all!


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