April 01, 2011

Retro Gaming News 011: Kaze No Densetsu Xanadu II (PCE-CD) - Announced!

Here are some news for some translation of games. I will be adding some more tonight as I get to them. Gotta get up to date!

"Esperknight and I are pleased to announce that our translation of the action-RPG “Kaze No Densetsu Xanadu II” (often called Legend of Xanadu II) is now in full swing. Styled like Ys in terms of gameplay, this PC-Engine CD game shows the classic gaming company Falcom in their finest form, and also has some of the most impressive graphic-design on the system.

Additionally, it features voice acting that we are attempting to dub into English, but we need voice actors to do it. If you are interested in doing some voice acting, please follow this link to find out more. You are also welcome to click the comments link and discuss this with me in the forums here.

We have translated and edited all of the voiced cutscenes as well as successfully extracted and translated part of the script. We are at about 10% completion right now, but you can expect that number to rise soon, and hopefully fast."

Source: Romhacking.net


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