April 09, 2011

Finds 288: Tales of the Abyss, Gradius V, and Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey

So with Gamestop's buy 2 get 1 free going on this weekend I had to take advantage and boy did I do good this time around. My purpose of the visit was mainly to browse around and get my minds of things for a change... I spent over an hour at the store before I made the decision to actually buy something. I was able to pick three awesome games for around ten dollars each if you ignore certain factors such as the fact that one of them was free and all. I think I did pretty well as I was finally able to pick up two wanted games which are obviously Tales of the Abyss and Gradius V. I didn't wanted to turn to eBay because the prices for these two have been rising so with that in my mind, I couldn't say no to cheaper prices! The Shin Megami Tensei game was mainly bought for the reason that it's an Atlus game! Gotta love Atlus! I have my eyes on some other cheaper titles so I might be back tomorrow to swipe them away. That's all for now!

Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey (NDS)
Gradius V (PS2)
Tales of the Abyss (PS2)


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