February 20, 2010

Retro Game of the Week 028: Earthbound(NES)

Probably the only way to get a copy of this game is by reproduction method which is really worth it but if you are a cheap bastard, you can get the rom of the game with the translated patch included in it. So here we go, one of the big mistakes Nintendo made was not to release this masterpiece. The game is just a groundbreaking hit and Nintendo didn't know what they were thinking. In fact, they had the chance to release a lot of crappy ass games errr Star Tropics 2 which also came with a battery packed in like Earthbound does.....so why not?? Nintendo, you are truly a scumbag. Anyways, we did got the one for the SNES but missed out on the GBA one so what the hell? Lets move on. The game plays like an upgraded Dragon Warrior title except with very interesting twists and a very interesting storyline. Hmm you can even fight hippies in the game with their own theme song to drift you out of your seat so to speak.

The game is long and fun, the leveling system is simplistic and ideal for a NES game(We don't need it to be so complicated especially when you are trying to have fun). Also, the characters are just your typical regular people! This game doesn't take place in the past during the middle ages or the future? This is one of the few games that gives you the present life feel and does a good job at it. Overall, I don't want to say much but I would highly recommend you getting a repro of it or like I said earlier, a rom file(you cheap fuck!). Either one will work.....

To conclude, the game has a lot of interesting facts but mentioning them will probably take the fun out of it so it's better if you find it out on your own so no spoilers for you guys. That should be it for now, so until next time.

Other recommendations:
1. Earthbound(SNES)
2. Mother 3(GBA)
3. Roms for both you cheap bastards!

Did you know?
Earthbound is called Mother in Japan....neat!

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