February 28, 2010

Finds 167: Better Days of Hunting....

Well here we are once more, the final day of the month and a final hunt to the flea market for the month of February. This time around I had a good buddy of mine(Justin) help me with my hunt, well we helped each other out. He found some neat stuff as well as I did and we were both satisfied with our purchases. There is so much stuff to show off so here we gooooooo!

First of all I will like to show you all these CIB NES games I got from a fellow friend called Justin! All for twenty seven bucks! Thanks again buddy!

Got another one of these with lots of games! See below!

The following games were from a lot of Genesis games that I paid twenty dollars except for a few.

Got this game for two dollars.

Paid a dollar for each of these games. Can't go wrong for that price.

I got this game for free by purchasing two genesis games.

Paid two dollars for this neat game!

I paid five bucks for the SP and three bucks for the GBC.

Bomberman and Harvest Moon were three dollars for both while the Yugioh and the other Gameboy game came free with the SP and Gameboy respectively.

I paid four for Joe & Mac finally I have it! Also paid three dollars for each of the other carts!

Pirate cart for free as a gift from Justin! You are the best!

I paid seven dollars for this and I'm still trying to figure out how to use it lol...

Two dollars each for these games...good for resale!

I also found this awesome game boxed! Two bucks...

Picked this one up for three dollars.

Got these two games for five bucks each.

Another great hunt comes to an end and more great stuff will be added to my collection while others will be for sale to other collectors. That's all for now, sorry for the lack of text in recent posts but I have been very busy and not feeling well lately. Cya next month...

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