February 03, 2010

Finds 160: Dreamcast for cheap and other junk..

I visited the thrift store with hopes of finding some good crap and I wasn't fully disappointed mainly because I found a working Dreamcast for 3.99 + tax.

Here is the photo of the shape of the Dreamcast. It was dirty as you can see and it had a sticker with a bar code and the words "Blockbuster Video" on it which can only sum up to the fact that this was used as a rental which meant that it could be in really bad working order.

In the end, it was fully functional and after a little cleaning, the console looked great. I tried out both Shenmue and Marvel vs Capcom on it and both worked great.

Here are some Genesis games I picked up for 95 cents each.

Finally, picked up these games (two pc and one ps1) for 1.95 each.

Overall it was an OK day for findings but it could have been better. I have to stop buying dreamcasts though, I can't seem to find them with their cables but as long as they are in working order, I'm happy.

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lazyhoboguy said...

O boy do I envy you. That is a great price. I never see any dreamcasts at my thrift stores.

famicomfreak said...

Yeah and I just got another one last week in my trip to the flea for three us dollahs har har har


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