January 16, 2010

Retro Game of the Week 024: Street Fighter 2 Turbo(SNES)

One of the most influential fighters for any fighter game in particular is none other than Street Fighter 2 and what could make it a better experience? Turbo! The game went to the next level as the savvy creators (Capcom) decided it would be a good idea to let you play as the boss fighters(Bison, Vega, Sagat, and Barlog). As many of you know, the original Street Fighter 2 for the SNES came with some bugs that were later fixed in this version which is why I picked it rather than the original one. You not only get more playable fighters but you also get the turbo setting which increases the speed of the game. I do have to agree that the original Street Fighter 2 was kinda of slow but that's for today's standards. Back in the day, it used to kick ass and we just couldn't wait for our fighter to land that flying kick that would take like an hour to land. It was just awesome.....

Part of the game is also to pick your fighter. I have and will always pick Ryu as the fighter of choice for myself. I like him mostly because he is the easiest fighter to play with and has very interesting and effective moves. Of course, all fighters have their strengths and weaknesses to keep the game balanced. I used to know a couple of freaks that loved playing as Dhalsim and kicked my ass with that Indian fighter. Like I said, it's only a matter of finding which fighter suits you best and most of all, learn their strengths and weaknesses.

Yeah this game is full of interesting features such as the ending with all the fighters posing which you can only get if you don't take damage through the whole game and you have to beat it with the highest difficulty, yeah it's not much. Even if you are a Sega fan, the Genesis version is also a good choice. It all depends on which one you like and feel more comfortable with.

Well there is not much to say that many people have mentioned before. If you get a chance you can check out the arcade machines if there are still any left or better yet, buy yourself a 3DO console with the Street Fighter game but that will cost too much. The 3DO version is also the closest to the arcade and almost perfect. That should do it for this week.

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Anonymous said...

This is my favorite version of SF2. I love the SNES controller for this game. It works out sooo well.


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