January 04, 2010

Finds 151: First finds of 2010!

Lets start the year right! Well at least try....I was able to visit the local thrift store and found me a nice Game Gear. Everything works great except for the sound which I can only hear using head phones.....a big bummer but still can't complain, I just paid five bucks for it anyways. I also got a game called Clayfighters for the SNES which brings back a lot of memories. I used to love this game back in the day but was never able to afford it. I got it for two dollars so I can't complain as to what I could have paid years ago(around 59.99). I also go a new Game Gear game which is based on one of my favorite cartoons of all time, Tom and Jerry. The game is OK and not much fun to play to be honest but still a nice pick up. Well enough talking, here are the photos!


Black Game Gear(The most common one)
Tom and Jerry the Movie video game....it's ok....

Well that's about it for this session of finds. I hope to find a lot of good stuff in the future. Until next time!

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thewisk said...

Hi, a bit late but happy x-mas and New Year, hope this year you find good games and systems, BTW most Gamegear's have the sound problem =(

Good Luck!

famicomfreak said...

Yeah I know a crazy friend of mine told me the same thing about Game Gears... Thanks for the greetings!! Hope your holidays went well!


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