July 15, 2010

Finds 211: Pokemon Games and Asian PC Games!

Another interesting set of finds today. It has been a while since I went out looking for stuff but I am happy with the games I came upon this time around. As usual I picked up the Pokemon games which are all in working condition although some of them have names written in the cart. I also picked up a Game Gear game from the Disney series of Donald Duck(I'll test that later today). I also picked up a couple of CDs which looked like PC games for older OS except they were they games Dragon Ball Z and Smash Bros! I have to try them out but sadly they don't work on Windows 7, the case says they work on Windows 95/98/2000/XP so I'll have to somehow get a hold of an XP machine and try them out. Photos below!

The covers for these games. I think the language is Chinese? Maybe?

Pokemon Games FTW!
Donald Duck Game, man he looks like he is freaking out! Can he ever get a break?

So that's all for now, I might have more stuff coming in the weekend but I'm not so sure. Until next time!

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