So it's finally over, although I could have mentioned more than 31 titles this wil have to do. I hope to do this next year and pick 31 new titles and add on from there. After today, everything will return back to normal. So time to finish things up, Commander Keen made themselves heard because their creators knew their created engine. This was a base engine for many of the other platformers to come and in my opinion they released the most insanely fun side scrollers of the PC era. Furthermore, who hasn't played classic PC games without bumping into Keen for a fun filled adventure. The original first game is just as amazing as the favorite part 4 and in many ways plays like Mario. You can't go wrong without trying this game. This game is so well known that you can even play it on your PSP(Yes I installed and tried it out!). There is just so much fun you can have at home or on the go. I hope you guys enjoyed and tried at least one of the thirty one titles I mentioned during this month and well, back to retro console gaming starting tomorrow. Cya later! 

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