July 18, 2010

DOS Month Day 17: Bio Menace

One of the games I could never get to work in my Pentium 77mhz computer was Bio Menace. As kewl as the game looked I couldn't get it to work, the computer would always crash and I was left with nothing! Finally, one day I went to my friends house to play some PC games and guess what game he had? Bio Menace and guess what more? It worked. I was in heaven and I wouldn't let my friend play it with the excuse of "you have this game to play all the time" It always worked. Years went by and I found out that the computer problems with Bio Menace were very common which made me feel good and bad. Good because I wasn't the only one in pain but bad because I was never able to play it. Now with DOSBOX and my sexy classic PC I am able to enjoy it everywhere and it was worth the years of wait(didn't got to play it at my friends house that much especially after I got into a fight with him oh well). The game is outrageous and a lot of fun. Apogee sure got things right with all these amazing titles we enjoyed, well at least some of us.


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