January 09, 2010

Find of the Month(December) -Late-

A little late for this post but I think I'm still in good range of posting it. Either way, last month was a very dry month in finds so there wasn't much to choose from. There wasn't much competition when it came to the green dreamcast I found at the thrift store in the beginning of the month. It was just a really kewl find with many extras including controllers(4x), VMUs(4x), and extra extension cables for the controllers(2x). The console works great as well so that made things a lot better.

The sexy green machine is mine! Well it was never supposed to be green in the first place....

Controllers and of course, green!

The controller that came with so many dreamcast also came with the green machine!

It was a pretty OK month but nothing like a couple of years back. There was no doubt that this was one of the most interesting finds of December.

Runners up: GBA multi cart 12 in 1, NES Dogtags, and Shin Megami Tensei(PS2)

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MCT said...

I got myself a dreamcast last year. It's a quality console with some really great games.


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