January 13, 2010

Finds 152: Finally Some J Shit!

Hello it's me Famicom Freak once again here to bring you some awesome finds. This time around I visited the local Play n Trade and found some neat stuff! Well for some reason they had some Japanese released Genesis games and I was excited to check them out. I didn't care the titles at all as long as they were playable, anyhow, I ended paying 2.99 for each of those carts(three in total). Things got interesting when I got home and tried to play them on my deformed Genesis(with 32x and Sega CD addons). To my surprise since I don't know much about imports, the games didn't worked which brought me back to this!(A find from June of 09)

Yes this weird looking converter thing finally got some use. Supposedly this converter can help you play imports which I really never though I would find use for it but finally did. This converter has four switches on the back which you have to move in order to make a game from a region work. After fooling around with it, I had some success! I was only able to make one of the three games work but I will work on the other ones since they might just need a little cleaning.

Here are the three titles!

Well I hope you enjoyed this session of finds. More crap to come soon! AWAAAA!!!

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