September 30, 2017

Finds 1074: Famicom Games, Genesis Chinese Beat 'em up, Perfect Weapon, Fighters History, and More!

Here is a nice loot of goodies. First of all, we have some arrivals from China! The Famicom games are Bio Force Ape and Earth Worm Jim. Two unique games that weren't out officially so they make a good addition to anyone's collection and the urge to play something new. Next, we have a beat 'em up game for the Sega Genesis that's actually pretty cool. It's a Chinese original so it's quite unique. Definitely, check it out as it uses Knights of the Round and Streets of Rage style gameplay. The name of the game is Shui Hu Feng Yun Zhurn. I also got Geometry Wars 3 and that's only because it was recommended by Game Sack. You guys have really made my collection flourished! Up next is Perfect Weapon for the PS1. I bought it disc only because I got the case at a thrift store a long time ago (About 4 years ago) So it was time to make it complete! Fighters History for the SNES was another game recommended by Game Sack. See the trend? Finally, another Game Players magazine. It's crazy to believe how cheap I found it. It's a pretty dated magazine from the late 80s! 


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