August 30, 2009

Retro Game of the Week 007: Pokemon Red/Blue(Gameboy)

So here is another week passing by and another pick of the week. This time around we visit the gameboy library to pick out a must have RPG for the memorable handheld. Pokemon Red/Blue(doesn't matter which version) offered gameplay like no other back in 1998. The goal is simple, create your own dream team of six monsters and battle it out against all who stand in your way. On the way of course, you'll encounter other challenges like breeding Pokemon as well as collecting badges. Of course, you want to be a Pokemon master so you'll need the badges anyways.

Some of the other factors you have to take account for is the strategy because each Pokemon is weak against a certain type, you'll need to come up with an strategy against all known Pokemon(151 if I remember right). Catching the same Pokemon more than once is a good strategy since all Pokemon are not the same. You can even start out by catching five Rattatas and leveling them up until you see which one is the most powerful one.

This game can give you months and months of fun. Apart from the story you follow, you can even battle friends via link cable with two gameboys. Of course, it'll be real hard nowadays to find someone that's still playing Red or Blue to battle against, but back in 1998, this was what it was all about to us geeks and nerds. I still remember looking at a magazine that had a report on Pokemon and would have photos of kids in the mall linking up their gameboys to play against each other in a good old Pokemon battle. THose days will never return, but new Pokemon games will.

Did you know? Pokemon was released in Japan back in 1996 but we didn't got the games until 1998? It sure is a long wait for what became a phenomenon....

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Stephen said...

I still have my copy of Red with 100+ hours on it. I was 11/12 at the time and was absolutly obsessed with Pokemon.

famicomfreak said...

wow my game got erased years ago. You have a good battery!

Unknown said...

Hola no se si hablaras español pero tu blog es excelente lo conoci de casualidad buscando cosas sobre unos juegos de famicom
te paso un foro de video juegos muy bueno

si te agrada nos leemos por ahi :)

famicomfreak said...

Gracias pero nose como registrarse. Me dice que hago las preguntas incorrectamente.


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