August 04, 2009

Finds 097: Lots of finds including Residen Evil 2!

Today was a long longggggg day but at the end I was happy with my results. Me and my wife decided to do some errands since it was my day off and therefore went to hit some places. First, of all we visited the local thrift store where I found a couple of interesting N64 titles and some anime mangas! Each game was two dollars and the mangas were all for 1.95 + tax! I also found a PC game with a lot of shareware titles in it which I love to collect as well as a dreamcast game. Those two were .95 cents each...

PC game and dreamcast game for 95 cents each.

Lots of Nintendo 64 games were there but I picked up four that really caught my eyes.

Here is the lot of mangas which are mostly novel style mangas....awa!

From all the mangas in that lot this one was sealed and guess what? it's the only one rated M sooo should I open it or not? har har har

Then we decided to hit the plaza where there is a Play n Trade so I went there and got these games for ten dollars. I used my ten dollar store credit so that was ten dollars less I spent there.

Here are some interesting titles. There was a Chocobo Dungeon 2 that I will pick up next time I go there.

Finally, me and the wife went to another shopping plaza to shop for groceries and there was a target there. I saw these titles last week for seven dollars but this time around they were marked down to three dollars each so I picked them up. It's great to still find some sealed GBA games for that cheap.

The Spyro games looks interesting but I have too many games to play to be opening this one up yet.

Alright so that's about it for now. Lots of new finds and an interesting day as well. Time to check them all up and play the ones that caught my eyes the most!

Ohhh yeahhhh I'm pissed because my Defenders of Oasis saved game got erased! The battery must be low....fack!

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