The game consists of three levels per world and a boss fight. If I remember correctly, there are eight worlds with three levels each. I myself haven't reached the end but one of these days I will try to accomplish it. Either way, anyone can pick it up especially since the game is so common to find and usually has a collector value of .50 cents so there really shouldn't be any problem picking it up. The reason this game was so common was because Sega packaged it with the Genesis console to help pump up sales which worked for a while and gave Sega the lead over Nintendo during the early 90's console wars. Furthermore, the game has excellent sound and peculiar bad guys that turn into animals when you kill them.

To conclude, this is a game to pick up and play and have a good night with. It should definitely be in everyone's gaming collection. I also suggest if you don't want to buy a genesis get the recently released Genesis Collection disc for the next gen consoles. It brings tons of games and will definitely satisfy your Sonic needs. Until the next retro game of the week.
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