August 17, 2009

Finds 101: New Thrift Store Finds + Ape Escape 2!

Well today was an interesting day. After I drop my wife at her cake class I decided to visit the local gamestop in that area and found Ape Escape and Legaia 2 cib. I picked them up and was happy with my purchase.

Then afterwards I decided to drive around and check out some areas I never drove by and found a pawn store. They had a lot of CDs(music and such) and to my surprise some PS1 and 3DO games. I kinda of hesitated to ask how much for them because I had gone to a similar pawn shop and they told me 5 dollars a piece. I asked anyways and the lady said a dollar for each so I looked over and picked up the best of the bunch.

The item I liked the most was this demo disc for the PC which brings a demo of FF7! I will boot it up on my classic desktop and try it out har har...

Well that's all for now! Cya later!

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