February 24, 2022

All New Repros Added to the Shoppe! Pokemon Super Gold 97, Pokemon Super Silver 97, Pokemon Blue Full Color Version, Digimon, Gameboy Wars 3, and Dragon Ball

New repros with labels created by yours truly have been added to the shoppe! Be sure to check these out as there some cool gems. I think the most notable are the Pokemon Silver and Gold games as they contain Pokemon that never made the cut of the later released Pokemon Gold and Silver games. Think of it as a beta of the game except this one was complete and in English. It's such a fresh adventure and it's really cool to see the Pokemon that never made it. Also, Pokemon Blue in full color is available which is a really cool remake of the game in full color of the original 1st gen game. You have Dragon Ball Advance Adventure and Digimon Games which are also very interesting but not for everyone. I also had a request for Gameboy Wars 3 from a client and was finally able to pull through with it. Be sure to check out my shop by clicking here or click on the top Shop tab of the page. 


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