February 11, 2022

Finds 1595: Pirate Bebop & Pirate Rocksteady

Here is an awesome set I've been waiting forever! Freaking BBTS takes forever to ship their stuff but on the bright side, you are guarantee to get the items and you don't get charged until they're ready to ship. Anyways, these are Pirate Bebop and Pirate Rocksteady from the TMNT Turtles in Time game. I am very happy with these but I think we are missing something. There are some bad guys from the original arcade game we haven't seen yet and we are already doing toys from the second arcade game. I think they should even things out and bring some bad guys from the first game, then again, the bad guys do get upgraded in the second game so maybe I'm just being too nitpicky about it. I'm so happy to have these overall! 


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