A very odd day where I had to go to different thrift stores to actually find something interesting turned out into a couple of interesting things. I don't usually go for plug n play consoles but I did a little research on these and thought these would be worth it especially since they were half off. One is the Atari Flashback 7800 which I thought had 7800 games but turned out that that's just the same of the model. It's kind of misleading but it's still a really cool little console. The other one is the Arcade Legends which comes with 50 built in games. The really cool thing about this one is that it has an SD card slot to upgrade the firmware which then enables you to play even more games including the entire Sega Genesis library. I have seen that the update makes other consoles playable as well so if you ever run into this little console, definitely check it out as it's totally worth a pick up. The controller I got CIB is called the Dexxa Control Pad and was made for IBM Computers. I always love picking these up even though they may not be the best options. A lot of times, you are just better off with the classic Gravis Ultrapad. It will make a really cool display piece. I also ended up getting some software including a Casino Game Pack for older OS such as Windows 3.11 and 95 as well as an installation disk for Windows 7 pro which I thought was really cool. Overall, random little things that make hunting a worthwhile time.
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