January 10, 2022

Finds 1577: TMNT Ultimates Wave 4 is Finally Here! They are beautiful!

These beauties finally arrived and you know what? I'm really loving this line more and more as I get more of them. I am definitely getting each release as they are just so freaking amazing. The one that I won't be getting is probably the party wagon because it's out of my price range. Maybe if I have enough money for it, I will get it in the end. So far, no! Anyways, we have Casey Jones, Donatello, Muckman, and Mondo Gecko this time around. My favorite turtle Don is finally here to finish up the four turtles! Each of these just look amazing and the work this company is doing is just splendid! I look forward to all the new releases and the mousers which I already pre-ordered! Such beauty I tell ya! Below are more photos of the wave 4.  

The nerdy turtle Donatello! He's so fucking amazing!

Muckman is a big fella!

The always popular Casey Jones! 

Mondo Gecko is so freaking cool! 


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