October 05, 2015

Retro Gaming News: Prepare for the Apocalypse!

"Prepare for the Amnethen Apocalypse!
Well over a week of relentless rom hacking and overcoming some obtuse DOS-program hassles has created an awesome improvement to the already-fantastic ‘Dragoon X Omega’ rom hack!
This hacker was amazed by the incredibly work that ‘Sliver X’ did for Dragoon X Omega and sought to tweak just a few things at first. What the hacker ended up with took many sleepless nights and a great deal of trial and error.
To top it off, the hacker went through and played through the ENTIRE game to test things out and make sure that the patches worked as intended. This means that instead of editing the prices of EVERY item, they were only able to edit the price of the Pill (Herb) due to glitches with the DW1MDE DOS program.
Make the game as easy as you like! Multiple IPS patches are included in the download to customize your experience YOUR way or you can just apply the ‘Apocalypse’ patch itself to have everything all in one go!
The author of this ‘Amnethen Apocalypse’ hack would love to hear feedback from anyone who’s played this hack. Do feel free to contact them using the contact info in the ReadMe file.
Now go show the Neverborn that HELL HATH NO FURY!"


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