October 07, 2015

Retro Gaming News: Kao: Tajemnica Wulkanu

"This is a full translation for the PC game “Kangurek Kao - Tajemnica wulkanu”, or “Kao the Kangaroo - Mystery of the Volcano”. Previously available only in the Polish and Russian language, this translation converts all of the text (outside of the title screen graphic) to English, so English-speaking users can now enjoy the game as well.
To apply the translation, simply navigate to…
C/Program Files/Kangurek Kao - Tajemnica wulkanu/Media/misc/localize
For you 64bit users out there, you need to instead go to…
C:/Program Files (x86)/Kangurek Kao - Tajemnica wulkanu/Media/misc/localize
Once there, replace lang_psp with the new one you just downloaded. After you do that, load up the game and enjoy!"


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