November 02, 2015

Retro Gaming News: RotDS v1.4 Released!

"One full year after its initial release, Return of the Dark Sorcerer has evolved to version 1.4! This latest update brings MANY changes (and fixes) for the better to the table - the songs will work on all emulators, for one - while the original release can indeed be considered a success, it was plagued by emulator audio issues that turned some players away, and rightfully so. As well as other criticisms such as various sprites not being up to par, dialog, balance… this latest installment promises to touch up on pretty much everything in a MAJOR way. Once again a ton of work as been put into this and it’s a huge step in the right direction, so please give this latest definitive version a try if you enjoyed playing in the past, or one of those brutally honest folks who was turned off by the emulator specific nature of the hack, and if you are a fan of FFVI hacks you won’t be disappointed."


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