November 18, 2015

Retro Gaming News: Alex Kidd in Radaxian Rumble

"This is a hack of Alex Kidd in Miracle World made using KiddEd, aiming to provide new challenges for fans of the original, give the game a bit of an audiovisual update, as well as make parts of the original game flow a bit better. Most levels build on the ones in the original game, but there are some completely new ones as well.
Version 1.03d features longer and more varied levels, more sprite and music edits, and more uses of triggers to create new puzzles. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it if you liked the previous demo (1.02e) at all.
The story of the game is currently placeholder and will tie into a second episode at a later date.
I recommend using KiddEd to patch the game, but Lunar IPS should also work. The game has been fully tested in Emukon, but should work in Meka as well. It should also work on an Everdrive and has been completed that way by at least one person."


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