November 25, 2015

Retro Gaming News: La Wares Romanian version released!

"Fellow Romanian fans everywhere, rejoice! For today, Dynamic-Designs brings you yet another fully translated SNES RPG in Romanian! This project took about three months to fully translate and beta test. Although the time it took to translate it was significantly less than the two former Romanian projects (Chrono Trigger and Silva Saga-II respectively), this game still had quite a few bugs in it that needed to be fixed. For those of you who may be wondering, yes, the English version will also be released eventually. The script is finished, but it still needs to be properly edited and reviewed before being released. Until then, enjoy Shin Seikoku: La Wares (or simply La Wares for short) in Romanian! And please look forward to many more upcoming projects in the future from Dynamic-Designs in both English and Romanian!"


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